Nexsure® Release (04-20-18)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added the ability to edit the main description on posted Journal Entries, Disbursements and Reconciliations (F9231)
- When hovering over the birthday cake icon on the client profile a pop-up now appears showing birthdays coming up within the next 30 days (F9257)
- Added an Export link on Delivery summary screens (F9170)
- Added eServices for Celina Insurance (F9271)
- Added the Due Time to the Due Date Column and added a Date Closed column on the Actions XDR Report (F9240)
- Added the Retail Agent name to the Invoice Production CRM Assignment XDR report for those invoices where the Retail Agent isn't receiving a commission (F9270)
Resolved Issues
- Clicking Save while in the Quick Navigation Header section of a Deposit now saves the info and displays the updates in the header section (top) of the Deposit (D26294)
- Reversing a Disbursement now reverses to the correct period if the user has 2 security templates and one doesn't allow post locked. Previously it would reverse to the current period even if you had rights to post to a locked period (D27693)
- Action filters now sort correctly when displaying more than 10 per page (D28534)
- When copying a Certificate along with the holders, the Preferred Delivery Method is now copied over to the new Certificate (D28471)
- When reassigning an employee the Select All option to select clients or policies is now selecting all the items. Previously it was not selecting any of the items (D28587)
- Corrected One Beacon eServices from stopping early (D28566)
- Corrected Norfolk and Dedham eServices from stopping early (D28615)
- Corrected Cincinnati eServices from stopping early (D28616)
- Users no longer receive an error when using the Lookup option to add a Vehicle/Equipment to the Acord 23 certificate from the Acord 152 (D28452)
- Added Horse Number from the Animals Info section and the Horse Number from the Coverages section to the Summary of Insurance (D28437)
- The two letter province abbreviation for Newfoundland on the ACORD 125 which was previously showing as NF has now been corrected to show NL (D28438)
- Driver and Vehicle are now available for selection when populating a Claim on the 90 WA, MO, TX, IL and CO (D28493)
- The License and Permit Bond LOB is now available to add to the ACORD 25 (D28379)
- Older data now returns on the Lost Business Report. Previously, it would return only as far back as January 1 of the previous year. For performance reasons, date ranges are limited to a maximum of 365 days (D26939)
- Individual Retail Agent Statements now return for Retail Agents with brackets [] in their name (D28538)
- Added performance improvements to the Direct Bill Commission Income Recon report (D28585)